American women painted by Joseph deCamp. Living from 1858 to 1923, deCamp was a member of the Boston School. He also taught art at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and at what became MassArt.

“Sally.” ca. 1907. Collections of the Worcester Art Museum, Worcester. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 95 years. via,circa_1907,_by_Joseph_DeCamp(1858-1923)-_Worcester_Art_Museum-_IMG_7587.JPG
“The Blue Mandarin Coat.” 1922. Oil on canvas. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 95 years. via
“The Seamstress.” 1916. Oil on canvas. Collections of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. In the public domain under the museum’s open access program. via