Two gentlemen and a lady with interesting things on their heads. Florentine. Cristofano dell’Altissimo, artist. Living from around 1525 to 1605, he did a lot of work for the Medicis, a path to financial success if ever there was one. All portraits, two from the Levant and one from Africa.

"Alchitrof, Emperor of Ethiopia."
“Alchitrof, Emperor of Ethiopia.” 1568. Oil on panel. Collection of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 70 years. via,_Emperor_of_Ethiopia_-_WGA00243.jpg
"Saladin." Before 1568.
“Saladin.” Before 1568. Oil on canvas. Photo credit: Sailko. Cc0 license 3.0. via,_saladino,_ante_1568.JPG
"Roxelana Hürrem Sultan." 1556.
“Roxelana Hürrem Sultan.” 1556. Oil on panel. Collection of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Image © AKG Images UK. Fair use license. via