Dropped capitals, page decorations that are Art Nouveau in time but look rather more Medieval. Taken from Friedrich Hottenroth’s 1896 tome “Le costume, les armes, les bijoux, la céramique, les ustensiles, outils, objets mobiliers, etc. : chez les peuples anciens et modernes” which was published in Paris in 1896 by A. Guérinet.

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Dropped capital. Page 1. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/1/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 61. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/61/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 28. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/28/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 19. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/19/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 39. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/39/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 9. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/9/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 79. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/79/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 87. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/87/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 100. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/100/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 94. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/94/mode/2up
Dropped capital. Page 103. Collections of and digitalized by the Smithsonian Libraries. In the public domain due to age. via https://archive.org/details/lecostumelesarme02hott/page/103/mode/2up