Women in white by French Impressionist Eva Gonzalès (1849-1883).

"Secretly." 1877-1878.
“Secretly.” 1877-1878. Private collection. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 70 years. via https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eva_Gonzal%C3%A8s_-_Secretly.jpg
"The Alcove." 1875-1878.
“The Alcove.” 1875-1878. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 70 years. via https://read01.com/yOz0de2.html
"Morning Awakening." 1876.
“Morning Awakening.” 1876. Collection of the Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 70 years. via https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eva_Gonzal%C3%A8s_-_Morning_Awakening.jpg