Fabulous dress designs by French Couturier Madeleine Vionnet. If you didn’t wear one of her frocks to that certain little cocktail party given by the Prince of Wales and Wallis you just weren’t chic. |

"Pendant Les 'Modèles' - Chez Madeleine Vionnet." Plate 20.
“Pendant Les ‘Modèles’ – Chez Madeleine Vionnet.” plate 20 from “Gazette du Bon Ton.” Volume 1, No. 3. April, 1932. Lithograph with hand-applied color. Thayaht, illustrator. Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 70 years. via https://www.mfa.org/collections/object/pendant-les-mod%C3%A8les-chez-madeleine-vionnet-plate-20-from-gazette-du-bon-ton-volume-1-no-3-450156
Drawing of a ‘modèle de robe longue’. 1938-39.
Drawing of a ‘modèle de robe longue’. 1938-39. Madeleine Vionnet. Image © Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris. Fair use license. via https://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/exhibitions/les-couturiers/madeleine-vionnet
"De La Fumée - Robe de Madeleine Vionnet."
“De La Fumée – Robe de Madeleine Vionnet.” Plate 13 from Gazette du Bon Ton, Volume 1, No. 2. March, 1922. Thayaht, illustrator. Publisher Librairie Centrale des Beaux-arts. Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. In the public domain in the United States because the artist has been dead over 70 years. via https://www.mfa.org/collections/object/pendant-les-mod%C3%A8les-chez-madeleine-vionnet-plate-20-from-gazette-du-bon-ton-volume-1-no-3-450156

Dances to dream of and young men to kiss . . . 1920’s illustrations by Georges Barbier. Living from 1882 to 1932 he inspired many a jazz age girl in search of the evening frock of her dreams and a beau to go with it.

“Oui.” Print. via https://www.paperblog.fr/2810194/l-artiste-du-jour-george-barbier/
"Le Danse." Print.
“Le Danse.” Print. via http://luciolicinio.blogspot.com/search/label/Georges%20Barbier
Worth evening dress. Plate 47 from "La Gazette Du Bon Ton" Depicting Day and Evening Dresses, 1924-25.
Worth evening dress. Plate 47 from “La Gazette Du Bon Ton” Depicting Day and Evening Dresses, 1924-25. via http://luciolicinio.blogspot.com/search/label/Georges%20Barbier
"Le paravent rouge", from "Gazette du Bon Ton." 1921.
“Le paravent rouge”, from “Gazette du Bon Ton.” 1921. Print. via https://missloveschic.com/2016/10/04/the-fashion-illustrator-george-barbier/

All artwork in the public domain because the artist has been dead over 70 years.