Artwork from various Finnish artists, that illustrate “The Kalevala,” the national epic poem of Finland. Collections of the State of Finland and very pretty.

“The defense of the Sampo.” Sketch for the cupola frescoes of the Finnish Pavilion at the  1900 Paris Exposition Universelle. 1899. Finnish. Gouache on paper. Akseli Gallen-Kallela, artist (1865-1931). Collections of the National Board of Antiquities of the State of Finland. Photo credit: Finnish National Gallery. Cc0 license, copyright free. via
Aino myth triptych. 1891. Finnish. Oil on canvas. Akseli Gallen-Kallela, artist (1865-1931). Collections of the State of Finland. Photo credit: National Gallery of Finland. Cc0 License, copyright free. via
“Väinämöisen’s call.” 19th c, before 1873. Finnish. Oil on canvas. Robert Wilhelm Ekman, artist (1808-1873). Collections of the Ateneum Art Museum. Photo credit: National Gallery of Finland. Cc0 License, copyright free. via
“Ilmater.” 1860. Finnish. Oil. Robert Wilhelm Ekman, artist (1808-1873). Collections of the Ateneum Art Museum. Photo credit: National Gallery of Finland. Cc0 License, copyright free. via